Need super relief? Try our Super Salve! We’ve doubled the CBD to 4,000 mg and added 1,000 mg of CBG (Cannabigerol) to help bring topical relief to your aches and pains. An all-natural salve with simple ingredients that uses a highly purified CBD and CBG isolate from hemp that contains zero THC. Why CBD and CBG? Hemp-derived Cannabidiol (CBD) and Cannabigerol (CBG) are powerful anti-inflammatories and work wonders as a team to block pain receptors and give relief.* Together they offer an entourage effect that potentially acts on more receptors to block pain and ease inflammation.* If you haven’t yet tried a combination product with both CBD and CBG in it, we highly recommend you do!
CBD/CBG Super Salve - 4,000 mg CBD and 1,000 mg CBG in 2 oz
Need super relief? Try our Super Salve! We’ve doubled the CBD to 4,000 mg and added 1,000 mg of CBG (Cannabigerol) to help bring topical relief to your aches and pains. An all natural salve with simple ingredients that uses a highly purified CBD and CBG isolate from hemp that is 99% pure. Why CBD and CBG? Hemp derived Cannabidiol (CBD) and Cannabigerol (CBG) are powerful anti-inflammatories and work wonders as a team to block pain receptors and give relief.* Together they offer an entourage effect which potentially acts on more receptors to block pain and ease inflammation.* If you haven’t yet tried a combination product with both CBD and CBG in it, we highly recommend you do.
Rub it into your sore and achy muscles or on minor skin irritations including dry and itchy areas. Wonderful for itchy skin due to bug bites, bee stings, poison oak etc.* Two oz Salve contains 4,000 mg of CBD and 1,000 mg of CBG. Try one of the strongest CBD/CBG products on the market – because milligrams matter (TM).
The 2 oz. salve comes in roll-on stick which is a breeze to apply and makes it easier to get at your back or shoulders.
This formula uses all natural ingredients and essential oils along with calming calendula flowers in sweet almond oil and coconut oil in addition to the purified CBD and CBG Isolate from hemp (takes away the unpleasant hemp smell and color). We infuse our sweet almond oil for three weeks with dried calendula flowers to add plant terpenes to our base oil. This is a very “old school” apothecary method that adds natural plant terpenes to our formula.
View Professional lab test results. This product contains zero THC.
Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Beeswax, Vitamin E, Calendula, Essential Oils of Lavender, Rosemary, Bergamot, (Bergatene free), Hemp Cannabidiol (CBD) Isolate. and Hemp Cannabigerol (CBG) Isolate. We use non-GMO, pesticide free isolate from hemp. We never test on animals.
Try this powerful duo of hemp cannabinoids and see for yourself!
* These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not a drug and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Use at your own risk.